Voices of Albina
Generations of Black Portland families are still negatively impacted by the original construction of I-5 in the 1950s. Lasting harm was caused when members of the historic Albina Community lost their homes, businesses and community places to make way for the freeway. As an Agency, ODOT has put a renewed focus on historic Albina through the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project and acknowledges this painful history. Despite the damage the freeway caused, the Black Community remains resilient and focused on the future. The accompanying video on this page features well known Black Portlanders reflecting on the Albina neighborhood of yesterday, as well as people who are working to invest in and build the Albina of tomorrow.
More Voices of Albina
Hear from some of Albina's community members as they dive deeper into what the neighborhood means to them and what they'd like to see for the future of Albina.
Kimberly Brown
Owner of Dean's Beauty Salon & Barber Shop
Sprinavasa Brown
Co-Founder and Executive Director of ELSO
Chris Guinn III
Co-Owner of Dwell Realty
Dr. Steven Holt
Strategic Advisor to the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project and Owner of Try Excellence
Paul Knauls Sr.
"Mayor of Northeast Portland"
DeAngelo Moaning
Chief of Staff at Raimore Construction
Kevin Modica
Retired Assistant Chief of Portland Police Bureau
James Posey
Small Business Owner
Ericka Warren
Strategic Advisor to the I-5 Rose Quarter Improvement Project and Partner at Try Excellence